Monday, 11 August 2014

Anjaan gets a big opening!!

Frix Entertainments     August 11, 2014    

Suriya gets the biggest opening in his career till date? Having already reported on Abirami Ramanathan bagging the Chennai city rights and releasing the movie in over 37 screens, Anjaan is getting bigger day by day.
One of the very few movies having a week-long advanced booking, this Lingusamy project is bound to reap huge collections at the box-office considering the long weekend. With just Kathai Thiraikathai Vasanam Iyakkam competing along, Anjaan will have its own lion-share.
Please don't be surprised to find most of the tickets for the opening weekend all booked. Even multiplexes are planning to tap on Suriya's huge audience base and the long Independence Day weekend by scheduling early morning shows. There is going to be some humongous response for the movie, considering the number of shows to be screened and the tickets already being sold like cup cakes.
Anjaan's worldwide release in some record number of screens, is a dream come true for the team.

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