Friday 13 June 2014

Here’s what Aaaah stands for..

Frix Entertainments     June 13, 2014    

After making horror films like Or Iravu and Ambuli, directors Hari Shankar and Haresh Narayan are on the verge of completing Aaaah, their third film, also a horror flick. 

"This time, we have chosen to make a horror anthology. The film will have five horror stories. While one story is set in Japan, another is set in Dubai. The third is on international waters and the fourth and fifth take place in India," Hari informs. But why have they called the filmAaaah? "The idea was to have an expression that would be common to all the five stories. Finding an expression common to all the international and indian languages was difficult. So, we chose to have it as Aaaah, which also denotes fear," says Haresh.